We are We love We work

experts in leadership & transformation

performance with passion

based on science and experience

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David E. Hyatt, PhD

  • Psychology studies B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) diploma, Allegheny College, Pennsylvania
  • M.A. (Master of Arts) degree in Psychology, College of William and Mary, Virginia
  • Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) degree in Psychology, emphasis in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Bowling Green State University, Ohio
  • Former faculty member in an applied Master’s program teaching leadership, organizational development, selection and applied research methods
  • Senior consultant with focus on leadership and executive development in global organizations
  • Professional experience: Led an international consulting organization, senior executive responsible for the development and delivery of a number of global initiatives, led a team of employee survey researchers working with Fortune 500 clients, developed and implemented an international corporate university
  • Personal experience in developing and implementing hiring systems, leadership development programs and the selection and development of consultants servicing a wide variety of clients
  • Certified executive coach from the Center for Creative Leadership; practitioner in various 360, individual and team assessment tools
  • Consulting and work across the USA and Brasil

Focus of consulting and training work

  • Fostering the alignment of organizations through the development of professional programs that develop leaders at all levels.
  • Business sectors: Hospitality, retail, gaming
  • Facilitation of leadership and executive teams in leadership competencies, general executive development (communications, feedback, performance management)
  • Facilitation and training in leadership and management skills leveraging personality and 360 assessments
  • Development and implementation of employee survey programs to ensure alignment of organizations

My message

Effective leadership begins from the inside. In order to effectively lead, individuals must first have an understanding of who they are, their preferences and their individual style. Leadership is not about copying another leader’s style, but rather is about leveraging individual strengths and passions to provide direction, align the organization and develop a committed group of followers.
