Stephen Yong
- Masters in Human Resource Development, George Washington University & Masters in Engineering from McGill University, Canada
- Facilitating leadership and change management programs and in Asia focusing on leadership transitions
- Accredited in the MBTI Step I & Step II, Firo-B, Team Management Profiles, DiSC, Benchmarks, Skillscope and Inventory of Learning Styles
- Delivered programs for Fortune 500 companies in Asia including JPMorgan, UBS, BP, Johnson & Johnson, BASF, ABN AMRO, RBS, EDS, IDC, Linde Gas, Credit Suisse, American Express, Coutts (RBS), AXA, ING, Templeton, Reed Elsevier, Kerry Ingredients, Cisco Systems, Visa International, Deutsche Bank, BNP Paribas, Reuters, Lexis Nexis, Merrill Lynch, World Wild Life Fund (Asia)
- Professional experience in managing global and regional projects in ABN AMRO, JPMorgan, Hewlett-Parkard and Andersen Consulting
- Collaboration with Munich Leadership Group since 2011
Focus of Expertise
- Conducting team leader and management training for managers in transition such as new managers and manager of managers
- Facilitating workshops on coaching skills for middle to senior managers especially focusing on increasing performance while positively impacting motivation
- Conducting specialized performance management training such as giving feedback and objectives setting
- Running diversity workshops with a focus on bridging differences
- Providing executive coaching to managers in transition
- Running business communication workshops for managers such as Impactful Conversations and Influencing without Authority
My motto
“It’s not the problem that is the problem, its how you approach it”